Sunday 7 September 2014

The countdown starts...6 days to go!

Well here I am at some ungodly hour, unable to sleep, and filled with as much excitement as trepidation thinking about my upcoming trip to London- slightly worried about flying Garuda- I know, they'll probably be amazing- but after always having flown Qantas, I feel like I'm deserting a sinking ship purely on price!

Ross just suggested I make notes on my phone so I don't forget anything important. I always stress about what to take, and what not to take. My last big trip, I took FAR too much and actually sent a big box of unnecessary items home from Oslo- just 3 weeks into the trip. Stacey was right-I didn't need a single one of them.

This trip is going to be a lot easier in many ways. We're going to be staying in one spot for the entire time, not continually on the move train hopping around Europe, not knowing what our next accommodation was going to provide us with. And we know someone in London- Ross' son Joe, his wife Angela, and their delightful baby boy, Eli so we're not going to be on our own in a big city living on our wits. This thought is actually bringing out the inner calm in me, which I know exists, but just gets covered in layers of stress.

Dawn is breaking, and in 6 days' time, we'll be on our way via Bali, Jakarta and Amsterdam. Getting excited again just mentioning these places!

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