Monday 15 September 2014

London at Last!

After flying for an eternity (37 hours 15 minutes to be exact), we made it to London- yay! and more to the point, so did our suitcases! YAY! The flight from Jakarta to Amsterdam was a long one- 16 hours- but amazingly one of the best long haul flights I've ever done! This is where the cabin crew earned their stars to be the best in the world. We boarded the 777-800 and immediately fell asleep. I think I was  asleep even before we were airborne. There was a bottle of water waiting for every passenger on our seats, which I gulped down as the last thing I drank was the Starbucks coffee 5 hours ago!

Unfortunately, did not sleep for more than a couple of hours, then had the shortest catnaps imaginable averaging 2-3 minutes ( there was the flight screen directly in front of me) until I roused myself, went to the bathroom, washed my face, cleaned my teeth and felt like a million dollars. I turned on my reading light to find the remote for the movies, and then the whole cabin lights came on and we were served a meal! They must have been waiting for the first passenger to stir from slumber as the whole plane was in darkness until that moment. The only thing I remember about the meal was the guava jelly- it was so delicious I ate Ross' as well! It must have been the sugar spike, because now I was hyper.

I managed to get my screen going, and watched a series of movies- Chef, We're the Millers, the Double (weird movie with Jesse Eisenberg), to name a few. Ross then recommended a TV Series called Better with You, which was very funny. Then came breakfast: croissant, yoghurt, juice, fresh fruit, omelette, and a cup of English Breakfast Tea before landing at Schipol International Airport in Amsterdam. Europe at last! After another short uneventful flight, we landed at Gatwick to be met by Joe and little Eli. So pleased we had decided not to get the train, as we were dead on our feet.

Joe drove us directly to our apartment, Ross collected the keys from the cafe, and we were here at the place we're going to call home for the next couple of weeks! After a lovely cup of coffee, I jumped into the long-awaited shower. Oh no, there was no hot water! We didn't know we had to turn on the hot water when we arrived. So cold shower it was! After hopping across the road to the Lidl supermarket for some breakfast supplies (and wine), we headed off to Joe and Angela's at Isleworth. They live in a beautiful double storey terrace house, with a delightful back garden where we sat on the deck sipping a lovely red enjoying the last remaining warmth of the day. Yes, it was a beautiful day in London- perfect weather. Don't believe everything they tell you about London's weather!

After a delicious Thai takeaway, we headed home and crashed!


  1. Who did you fly with on all of this flights??
    What an adventure, and you have only just landed. lol
    Hope you enjoy your first sleep in a real bed after all that on-off flying.
    Safe travels.

  2. It was Garuda on their new route to London. Haven't had a proper sleep yet!
